Te Kura Kaupapa Maori ō Whatatutu



If your child is going to be absent, we would like to know with a phone call to the school or text the reason for the absence before 9:00am. If the school has not been notified of an absence, the school office will contact the emergency caregiver or call home to confirm the absence. If a child has an appointment, a note or phone call in advance would be greatly appreciated.

This is necessary for our records and is a Ministry of Education requirement. We have a responsibility to ensure the safety and well-being of our students. In case of an emergency or unexpected event knowing which students are absent allows us to take the appropriate measures to ensure the welfare of the students at school. These procedures are necessary in keeping your children safe, and to assure the Board of Trustees that we are complying with the Ministry of Education Attendance requirements. 

By informing the school, it is an effective form of communication and collaboration between home and school. This allows Teachers to provide missed assignments and Parents can stay informed of the child's academic progress and both parties work together to support the student's educational needs.

Attendance Monitoring

Regular school attendance is crucial for academic progress and success. We need to monitor our student's attendance to identify any patterns of chronic absenteeism or truancy. By having the parents notify us of their child's absence, we can keep accurate records and address any attendance concerns quickly. It also helps our teachers plan their lessons accordingly, knowing who will be present in class.

To make contact with our Office Administrator call (06) 862-1875