Te Kura Kaupapa Maori ō Whatatutu

Tūtohinga Kura - School Charter

School Charter

A school charter is a signed agreement between the school’s board and the government. It states the school’s aims, purposes and specific objectives, and it includes the national aims and objectives from the National Education Guidelines (NEGs).

The charter must be made available to parents and whānau. The school should also review its charter regularly to make sure it continues to reflect the changing educational needs of students.

Strategic plans replace school charters in January 2024

From the first of January 2024, school charters will be replaced by “strategic plans”. A strategic plan sets out the board’s plan for achieving (or working towards) its objectives.

The board must consult with the school community when drafting the strategic plan – this means they must provide information and talk to parents, guardians and whānau, the school’s Māori community, and the school’s staff (and students when appropriate).

The board must also have an “annual implementation plan”, which describes how they will achieve the strategic plan each year.

Once the plan has been drafted, it is checked off by the Government to make sure it meets the expected standards. This plan must be updated every three years and you must be able to see a copy of it on the school’s website.